A Bad Case of Yarnitis

I  have an uncontrollable urge to buy yarn.

I have an uncontrollable urge to buy blue* yarn (although the yarn I bought today was actually quite black…)

I blame it all on the Sock Summit reports (mainly the photos….)

No, I don’t have photos, I put most of the yarn away and try to pretend it didn’t happen.

I was so good, for almost  a year  I bought almost no yarn (it was quite a few months ago…)

I also bought Jared Flood new Made in Brookyen – A Classic Elite pattern booklet – I  just had to have this book. I love many patterns in it. I think they could have made it larger, for the price they charge.

I finished another pair of socks last night and kitchenered and put in the ends today (this was a good practice. Note to self, try to remember it….)

I did take photos of the socks:

Regia Stretch Crazy Color

Regia Stretch Crazy Color

I really enjoyed knitting with the yarn. The stockinette is so uniform, beautiful.

Socks for Nir - Quite a belated birthday present

Socks for Nir - Quite a belated birthday present

I hope you all have a great weekend and that not all of you suffer from such a bad case of yarnitis.

These are not Nir's feet

These are not Nir's feet


* Do you also find yourself buying, for extended period of times, yarn in similar shades or one color family?

A few years ago, we were visiting Toronto and I went to check several yarn shops (Toronto is blessed with loads of lovely yarn shops – not very good for the budget but very good for the soul).

It was the first time I met in person Fleece Artist/Hand Maiden yarns and fell immediately in love. Only when I arrived home, I realized I bought the same colorway in different yarn blends of theirs (it was my red period then) and other skeins were in other shades of red.

6 thoughts on “A Bad Case of Yarnitis

  1. margene

    I just haven’t been sucked into the sock frenzy for so long and when I succumb the feeling doesn’t last. I did get Jared’s new book and look forward to ogling his new designs.

  2. Jeanne

    I do go through periods where I buy a lot of yarn – and yes, I do get into times where I buy a lot of the same color and don’t realize it until I have it all together.

    I may have bought some yarn last night when I couldn’t sleep! :-)

    Great socks – love the colors!

  3. Cookie

    Lovely socks! I really do like knitting with that yarn, too. Although, my pair is much more colorful and bright.

    I do that, too. Go through stages where I like certain colors more than others. I figure it’s better to do that with yarn than to do it in the living room or something.

  4. Jocelyn

    I definitely have yarn color periods. This past spring it was reds and corals (which is *really* weird for me), but I’m back to blues and greys now — whew. I recognize myself much better that way :) I love those socks!

  5. Pingback: Yarnitis a.k.a. too much yarn? | The Good Stuff

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