Category Archives: Arizona


Excuse me, I need to test my WordPress. Joe updated it and since then it is behaving very badly.

As I need to try adding photos, I decided to show you the Arizona version of Agaves:

Parry's Agave blooming on the way to Young

It is impressive, isn’t it?

The head almost reaches the clouds:

Top of Parry's Agave

and the flowers are so beautiful:

Parry's Agave Flowers

I find the trunk quite amazing:

Parry's Agave trunk

All in all quite a special plant, at least in my view.

Arizona Wonders

Sunday morning we climbed into the car and headed to the mountains in search of some cooler, fresher air.

We had a lovely time. Roosevelt Lake looks fuller this year, the roadside was surprisingly green and we saw lovely flowers.

Detail of flower of Parry\'s Agave

Young famous for the Pleasant Valley War was were we stopped for a drink. The bar was unusually busy. Upon entering we were happily notified that we arrived just in time to join their weekly Cornhole game, although we politely declined the offer it gave me an opportunity to learn yet another thing about local social activities.

Another beauty we had the good fortune to spot:

Western Tiger Swallowtail on Western Blue Flag Iris

Although the Western Blue Flag Irises were on their last leg the Western Tiger Swallowtail butterflies gave us a good reason to stop and take some photos.

On our way back home on highway 260 we suddenly saw road signs telling us we are approaching an Elk Passing Testing Area. Before we had time to wonder what does that mean we passed this:

Arizona Elk Passing

And it made me wonder, how did they let the elks know they have to come to this spot if they want to pass the road?

Before we had time to finish discussing the wonders of how Arizona educates its elk population we passed this sign:

Arizona Cabaret

And this one made me wonder, is the cow hinting to the entertainment or the menu they offer in this establishment or is it just a leftover from a previous business, like Joe suspects?

The wonders of our Arizona!

Oh and yes, I did knit, quite a lot actually, but it is just a second sock, nothing to speakabout.


When I go out of the house these days, it feels like I stepped into an oven,,,
I think this is the 6th day in a row with excessive heat warning from 10:00 am until 8:00 pm. So it is a bit strange when they tell us summer starts today,,, !

At least Arizona compensate us with these:

Arizona Sunset near Kirkland - June 14, 2008
Sunset near Kirkland between Prescott and Wickenburg driving home from Jerome.