Look who joined our little family yesterday:

My new pet - Fluffy!
I found him waiting for me patiently in our mail box.
He is the most squooshiest, softest, loveliest yarn I saw in a very long while and I fell for him on the spot.

Fluffy is always close to me - here he helps me with my daily chores
Our adorable, generous, modest Cookie made it just for me from the lovely Niagara fluff I bought from Joan at The Cupcake Fiber Co.
I have 706 yards of this beauty and its color looks to me just like the falls that gave him his name:

I can see all the colors of Fluffy in this photo
I don’t know if you can really see all those colors in this photo because I may add to it shades from my memory of this visit but believe me, the yarn captures the colors of the Niagara Falls beautifully!
Maybe a close up on the falls will help?

Do you see it there?
Or do you need to get even closer?

It is there, I swear!
I don’t think I managed to catch the colors of the yarn in my photos as well as Joe caught the colors of the Niagara Falls in February 2010 but here are some more photos of my new love:

A closer look on my Fluffy love
And closer you said:

Yes it is indeed soft and squooshy and oh so beautiful too
Like any good pet, Fluffy already found his favorite spot on our bed:

Fluffy Sleeping Spot
My only concern is that I will not be able to bring myself to knit Fluffy when I will be able to knit again but really who said we must knit every yarn we have, a pet yarn can be so very rewarding, don’t you agree?
Thank you Cookie for the loveliest present I got in a long while!