What does a knitter do when she can’t knit?
A lot of small details and many colors make puzzling a fun activity and quite addictive too! Want to take a closer look?
Oh and she can get older too!
I am 57 today – that sounds quite respectable to me – how did I get so far so fast? quite enjoyably I must say :)
The cast is off and the knitting ability should return soon.
happy happy birthday!!!
Mazel tov! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Rachel!!! Puzzles are fun. I hope your day is full of joy and celebration!
Happy Birthday, hope you have more good puzzles and amusement.
Happy Birthday, Rachel! I thought about you all day yesterday — and then forgot to send you a greeting. Hope your birthday was lovely, and hope your year is filled with all kinds of good adventure and fun opportunities. Much love.
PS — What a GREAT puzzle!
Happy Belated birthday, Rachel!!
Puzzles are too much fun. The BFF used to [mysterious picture thing], frame and hang them in our apartment, back in our salad days.
That one looks very cool and quite complicated!! (I like the corner pieces….o. O.)…
Happy Birthday!
The puzzle looks like fun.
What a wonderful solution to your circumstances. Bravo!
Oh, this was also the birthday post (I was thinking of the puzzle). Well at 57, I thought I was quite YOUNG! So, you go, girl!