Tag Archives: knitting

Arizona Kind of a Birthday Present

Last weekend we celebrated Joe’s birthday, we had a lovely time in the cold and rainy White Mountains of Arizona.

I don’t have time right now to tell you about this trip but I must show off the knitted presents I made for my sweet heart:

Aren\'t they just amazing?

It’s a ninja ski set: a cowl and a hat knitted in the very lovely Handmaiden Casbah Sock yarn:My blue eyed ninjah

Although it was only morning, we were at home in Arizona (let’s say 90F give or take). Isn’t he a darling to model it just for you?

My love, too warm,,,,

I think it was a bit too hot, my poor darling!

I used Cocoknits’ Inside-Out Cowl pattern I found on Ravelry and I knitted the hat from my head.

Oh and I also finished a pair of socks for him that were on the needles since his last birthday I am afraid,,,

Hand knitted socks in Kaffe Fassett yarn

I used Mirage Earth #4254 from the Regia Kaffe Fassett line.

And now if you will excuse me I must run, I am going to Israel for a month this Friday,,,

Crazy Monkeys

I am knitting socks for my friend Nitzan, she is going to be 13 in a few weeks, I don’t believe it, time goes by so fast! It seems to me she was born just yesterday,,,

Crazy Monkeys side one

And the other side:

Side 2 of my Crazy Monkeys

I am knitting the Monkeys. After trying the picot edge so many people seem to like for this pattern and quite a few rounds of knitting and ripping (it was my first encounter with the picot edge), I decided I don’t really like the thickness it creates and settled on knitting the pattern as is. I really like the effect the twisted knit stitch gives to the rib band.

The yarn is Black Bunny Fibers and the color serves a purpose (oh how appropriate, I just found the yarn band and the colorway is: Fembot’s Revenge! Should I know what it means?!?). OK, back to my story:

Nitzan’s mother, my good friend Iris, is a very opinionated lady. After Nitzan was born she kept talking to her all the time and dressed her in very coordinated clothes. Whenever she chose clothes for the baby she kept explaining to Nitzan (like she was talking to an adult but with a special intonation in her voice, but this is another story,,,) why she is choosing the items she choose and how important it is that the colors will fit together.

I kept making fun of her and threatening her that Nitzan will develop a horrible taste just to rebel against this brain washing,,,

Every time she left me alone with the baby, I dressed her in some combination that didn’t meet Iris’s strict color code but seemed lovely to me.

It became a kind of a game between us.

I think these socks are a good commemoration of this game, don’t you agree?

Oh and a practical question: how do I block these socks without a sock blocker? Any trick or idea will be greatly appreciated.

Conversations with a Non Knitter

We went hiking today, it was lovely (another post). On the way back home I was ripping off a row that I knitted by mistake and bitching about it half to myself:

Me: oooffff,,,, I knitted almost a whole row (576 stitches’ row), I thought it was only a few stitches,,,
Joe: What Honey?
Me: Nothing dear, I am talking to myself, I knitted too much and I am bitching about it while ripping it off….
Joe: So why do you keep knitting.
Me: I am not knitting, I am ripping off.
Joe: Hmmm,,,, are you sure? this looks like knitting to me!
Me: Nope, I am ripping.
Joe: So, how come you don’t do the pppppppppshshshshshshhstttttttttt,,,,,
Me: Oh, you do that when you have to rip off a few rows, when you need to rip off only a row or so you do what I do right now!
Joe: It sure looks like you are knitting to me!


Thursday, April 3rd, 2008:

It Is So Easy to Make Him Happy!

It is so easy to make my honey happy, aren’t I lucky? but this is yet another subject.

Right after I took this photo; in the car, on the way to Flagstaff:

Joe: So, how was your day?
Me: It was OK, I loved it when it snowed!
Joe: Did you manage to knit a lot?
Me: Not really, just after you took the lunch break I realised I made a mistake and had to rip off almost everything I knitted earlier, but it is OK, I knitted most of it back.
Joe: Why did you have to rip off? was it such a big mistake?
Me: I forgot to add a stitch!
Joe: WHAT? you ripped all this work for just one stitch? are you crazy woman? why couldn’t you just add a stitch where you found out about your mistake and sailed right on?
Me: Oh NO! I can’t do such a thing!
Joe: why NOT?!?

Hmmmm,,,, the logic of a non knitter!

To tell you the truth, I think he had quite a good point there! :)