About 10 days ago I was a bit bored with knitting socks so I went looking for something else to knit and remembered a very neglected project: my Meshushim something or other and started adding hexagons to it:

9 more meshushim added
While knitting on this I was wondering what does it want to be and I went looking around in Ravelry and beyond.
I discovered that the yarn is a limited edition series and most of its colors are not readily available any more. I also learned that some of the colors of the second series of the Opal Hundertwasser yarns are also not easily available and a third series is going to be available this September – can you sense the brewing of a major new obsession around here?
I first learned about the existence of the second series during one of my strictest yarn diets and I decided just to ignore its existence but now all sorts of crazy ideas start popping around in my head: Am I going to make a throw? baby blanket? or maybe this thing wants to become a bedspread for our bed in the new condo we bought in Toronto? Maybe I should try and buy all 3 series for this bedspread?
So I looked more carefully and discovered that I can get all the colors of series 2 except one in Europe (and much cheaper too) and lucky for me, the color missing in Europe, is still available in the USA. I also found out that series 3 is already available in Europe and I found it even cheaper than series 2!
I think you can imagine already what is making its way towards me, right?
In the meantime, I decided to knit free standing hexagons so I will not have too large a block knitted with only 8 colorways when I am going to have 24 of them and this is what I got so far:

My current collection of free hexagons
Don’t worry, I didn’t lose my mind completely. All these can be incorporated into the final object by picking up stitches along the sides, I still hate sewing and don’t have any intention of sewing anything in this project except the hiding of the ends and I do this as I finish each hexagon!

A little decoration

Am I pretty?

Almost blue - good brdiging hexagon

I have a calming effect

I am sooo yellow

Pretending I am a fair isle,,,

I came out quite red didn't I?
I really like how I can’t always predict the colors of the hexagon from the colors I see in the ball. Some of them are really surprising, some I can tell already. Some repeat after 4 hexagons or so but they are still a bit different.
I think I am doomed! wish me luck :)