Category Archives: Finished Objects

A Bad Case of Yarnitis

I  have an uncontrollable urge to buy yarn.

I have an uncontrollable urge to buy blue* yarn (although the yarn I bought today was actually quite black…)

I blame it all on the Sock Summit reports (mainly the photos….)

No, I don’t have photos, I put most of the yarn away and try to pretend it didn’t happen.

I was so good, for almost  a year  I bought almost no yarn (it was quite a few months ago…)

I also bought Jared Flood new Made in Brookyen – A Classic Elite pattern booklet – I  just had to have this book. I love many patterns in it. I think they could have made it larger, for the price they charge.

I finished another pair of socks last night and kitchenered and put in the ends today (this was a good practice. Note to self, try to remember it….)

I did take photos of the socks:

Regia Stretch Crazy Color

Regia Stretch Crazy Color

I really enjoyed knitting with the yarn. The stockinette is so uniform, beautiful.

Socks for Nir - Quite a belated birthday present

Socks for Nir - Quite a belated birthday present

I hope you all have a great weekend and that not all of you suffer from such a bad case of yarnitis.

These are not Nir's feet

These are not Nir's feet


* Do you also find yourself buying, for extended period of times, yarn in similar shades or one color family?

A few years ago, we were visiting Toronto and I went to check several yarn shops (Toronto is blessed with loads of lovely yarn shops – not very good for the budget but very good for the soul).

It was the first time I met in person Fleece Artist/Hand Maiden yarns and fell immediately in love. Only when I arrived home, I realized I bought the same colorway in different yarn blends of theirs (it was my red period then) and other skeins were in other shades of red.

Cherries and Some Knitting

Almost 2 weeks ago, on our way back from Niagara Falls, we stumbled upon  D.Smith&Son Two Century Farm – a Pick Your Own (PYO) cherries place that was still open, although it was quite late in the evening. We met a lovely girl, Elissa, who very politely told us that actually they are closed but as we are there already we can pick sour cherries there and black cherries, she will show us where, when we finish with the sour ones! While she was talking with us her grandmother appeared very apologetic, she forgot to close the gate, it is all her fault that we are there, but she hopes we will enjoy what we will get if we are already there (very nice family).

We picked quite a few kilograms of these:

Hmmm,,,  Lovely Cherries

Hmmm,,, Lovely Sour Cherries

And some more Kilograms of those:

Yummy Black Cherries

Yummy Black Cherries

I wanted the sour cherries to try and recreate something that is a very sweet childhood memory: Vishniak – a cherry liquor my parents used to make when I was very young. I remember the demijohn standing on top of their closet in the bedroom and some very delicious cherries that came out of it and were given in very small portions and only for special occasions.

After consulting the internet and finding many recipes and advice (some quite contradictory to each other) we set on making our version:

Sam was the Demijohn Washer

Sam was the Demijohn Washer

The cherries were carefully washed:

The cherries are getting ready

The cherries are getting ready

We put them in the demijohn:

Oh Lonely Cherry

Oh Lonely Cherry

Then we added quite a lot of sugar and the strongest Polish Vodka we could find and got this:

What's inside our demijohn?

What's inside our demijohn?

Now we can only swirl the demijohn from time to time and wait and wait and wait,,,,

In a few months I will let you know how it turned out!

And I will have to show you the products of the sweet black cherries some other day as this post is becoming too long and I still have to show you some FOs!

Yes, I finished the Simple V Neck Sweater and two pairs of Noro socks in time to gift them to my sweetheart for his birthday:

Aren't they lovely?

Aren't they lovely?

Those are going to keep his toes nice and warm in the Canadian winter

Those are going to keep his toes nice and warm in the Canadian winter

A better view of the Noro similar socks

A better view of the Noro similar socks

How come those came out so different? I only changed the heel!

How come those came out so different? I only changed the heel!

Assortment of Noro Socks and a tip of a Sweater

Assortment of Noro Socks and a tip of a Sweater

The wonders of Noro yarn, the first pair has almost identical socks the second 2 quite different ones. I only changed the rib from 2×2 to 3×2 and the heel, go tell!

Morning Visitor and Some FOs

A few days ago, Joe rushed me out of bed and down the stairs to see this:

A morning visitor in our back yard

A morning visitor to our back yard

He told me it is a Pileated Woodpecker, I never saw such a big woodpecker before in my life! I thought it is a weird flying chicken but I have to admit I was quite sleepy at the time. Later we heard someone drilling in the background, Joe said it is the woodpecker, I was sure some neighbour is working in his back yard.

And I am still knitting, sometimes.

While in Israel I managed to finish a shawl I knitted for my mother’s 80 birthday:

My mother and her Koigu Shawl

My mother wearing her Koigu Shawl

I had a lot of problems deciding on the pattern and yarn for this present, I started quite a few shawls; one was too lacy, the other too dark and yet another one was too warm.

In the end I settled on a simple shawl knitted in Koigu KPPPM and at long last managed to finish it before we left Israel (the 80th birthday was in January, shame on me!). Lucky for me, my mother liked it a lot and wasn’t mad at all about the lateness of the present.

During our flight back from Israel I managed to finish one of those shawls I started for my mother, I had enough yarn only for a mini shawl but I find it really useful in this time of year in Toronto:

My mini Noro Shawl

My mini Noro Shawl

I really like the color combination of this Noro Silk Garden Sock colorway – 252.

(Note to self: it is really useful to brush hair before modeling for photos,,,)