Category Archives: Travels

Ontario Irresistible Products

Yesterday we went apple picking:

Hmmm,,, so yummy!

Hmmm,,, so yummy!

And after filling the bag and having as many apples as we can possibly need, I realised those beauties:

Just irresistible, I just couldn't leave this one on the tree

So irresistible, I just couldn't leave this one on the tree

Is this the perfect one?

Is this the perfect one?

are as irresistible as some other Ontario product we all know and love:

Oh Koigu how much I love thee!

Oh Koigu how much I love thee!

So now I have an apple stash almost as big as my yarn stash!

Please send any good apple recipe you think is worthy of these beauties, thank you.

And if you want to see what those apples made me do, you can find more photos on my flickr page.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Weekend Wanderings

This week, our weekend wanderings brought us to this finding that made my Joe very happy:

What? is this a real street sign?

What? is this a real street name?

A guy walking by with a case of beer noticed Joe taking photos and told him:
They originally intended to call this street: Queen’s Bush Line!
I swear, I did not invent this story!

Apparently this is the name of the main road in the Township of Wellesley which is the rural, north-western township of the regional municipality of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. This town is well known (at least in the area) for its annual Apple Butter & Cheese Festival that we in our great wisdom, missed by about an hour or so,,,, oh well, it gives us a good excuse to go back to this nice little town next year!

Joe who was really entertained by that name, found it on the menu of the local bar and pointed it out to a very friendly innocent looking  young lad who was standing near us. The boy, introduced himself,  shaked Joe’s hand and when Joe pointed the name to him on the menu, he first said, oh yes, if you go out it is the main road that goes,,,, only then he realized what Joe was pointing out to him, he blushed and mumbled half to himself: I never thought of it that way and walked away,,, wicked Joe!

And now, after googling a little bit about this town I understand all those Elvises that were sitting happily in the bar drinking beer after that festival!

Elvis In the Loft

On the knitting front: Yesterday I finished my Shawl that Jazz but upon arrival back home, I decided I prefer a longer edge, opened the cast off (all 468 stitches of it, do you admire me?) and started adding a few more rows, I hope to finish it again soon! Oh and I also finished the first sock of my current pair in progress. The gray weather was not very helpful so photos will follow soon.

And the Maplewing was photographed just before it was sent to Israel:

Admiring my work, I was always self reliant

Admiring my work; I was always self reliant

A Travelling Type of Socks and Shanah Tovah Too

As I claim this is a knitting blog, let me bore you with another pair of socks: סתם גרביים = stam garbaim  as I will define them in Hebrew or just another pair of socks in English:

My Socks at Home in the Garden

My socks at home in the back yard

What is a bit interesting about these socks is where I knit them, as they were travelling socks and actually it started even before the knitting.

I got the yarn: Regia Design Line Kaffe Fassett from Margene when we met in Flagstaff, Arizona on our way to Sedona and Jerome to introduce Margene to Erica (and to Erica’s amazing yarn shop), so I guess it was purchased in Utah.

The lovely sock waited patiently in my stash, it was patted occasionaly, it was taken out and looked at but got his (yes, yarn is a he in Hebrew so his it is in my blog unless I think differently on some yarn,,,) time on the needles only recently.

(Oh, if I summarize this lucky sock travels I have to mention the big trip it made with the rest of my stash from Arizona to Toronto too, right?)

After I enjoyed very much knitting the Regia Stretch Crazy Sock yarn I took out my special Regia yarn and declared that this pair is for me! I wanted the socks to show off the colors without any disturbance from a pattern but I wanted the socks to be well fitted not loose like some stockinette socks seem to be (or at least the ones I knitted) so I decided on a very large rib of 5×1 and started knitting them happily just before we went to Buffalo to meet my sister in the train station.

As we had some time before the train was scheduled to arrive, we took the sock to see the Niagara Falls:

Wow so much water, lovely!

Wow so much water, lovely!

A week or so later, we went on a road trip that took the sock and us to lovely places. It appears I remembered to take photos of the poor sock only in New Harbor, Maine:

That is an interesting building

Pemaquid Light House - What a lovely scenery it has!

The Sock approved of this beautiful Knitting Spot

The sock approved of this beautiful knitting spot

The next morning when we went for a little walk I found this spot:

If only I didn't leave the socks in the hotel room,,,,

If only I didn't leave the socks in the hotel room,,,,

And then I found my dream house:

Do you want to come knit with me on that porch?

Do you want to come knit with me on that porch?

The beach near this house looks like this:

Such a beautiful Rocky Beach

Such a beautiful Rocky Beach

Well, after Maine we went back to Toronto but Joe found a long route that took us to the very lovely Quebec City. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos of my sock in progress there – shame on me.

Before I leave you, as we are talking about my knitting, here is a progress shot of my Maplewing:

The benefits of starting a shawl at the hem, you can actually see its development!

The benefits of starting a shawl at the hem, you can actually see its development!

And I can’t finish my post today without wishing everybody:

Shanah Tovah = Happy New Year
