Here are some sets of hexagons I knitted, all the hexagons in a photo were knitted from the ball of Opal Hundertwasser sock yarn series 1 that appears in the photo:

This ball gives very different hexagons

Did they really all come from the same ball?

Obvious brothers

We are different but the relation is quite obvious

I like them both but what a difference!
This is the first ball of Opal Hundertwasser sock yarn series 2 that arrived and the first two hexagons I knitted with it (first one on the left):

I prefer the second what can I do?!?
And the rest of the Series 2 plus all of Opal Hundertwasser Series 3 arrived a week or so later:

Look what arrived in the mail not too long ago

And this was hiding underneath the first layer above
I actually finished knitting one hexagon from each of the new colors but they are in a long not very photographable ribbon so it will have to wait. No time right now.