Tag Archives: Toronto

Me? Gardening?

Unlike some people I know (my mother in law and my sister – to name a few),
I have brown fingers.

When I tried to raise plants in my apartment in Tel Aviv, they always looked miserable (I think there it was mostly a matter of not enough light, although a more diligent watering plan woudld most probably been helpful too…)

In Arizona, we tried to raise vegetables with very little success, the only thing that grew was some catnip oh and some parsley too (a few basil plants managed to survive but those were planted by Joe),,, and except one variety of small roses that caught up and resist dying despite all my efforts, we mainly had wild desert vegetation in our yard.

I really like those colorful flowers they offer here in Toronto, all over town these days,  and I want to have my own herbs but seeing the little strawberry plants in one of the stores the other day, made it for me:

Planting My Strawberry Patch

Planting My Strawberry Patch

You see,  looking for the first fruit in my mother’s  strawberry patch in Shoresh so many moons ago, is one of my fondest childhood memories.

Do you think the greenness of everything here in Toronto will catch my fingers too?

And on the knitting front – I am 17 rows from finishing my Dandelions/Ulmus shawl but the yellow yarn is runing out faster than those rows.  I just received an email today from the Green Mountain Spinnery that my other yellow skein is going to be shipped today, so I hope it will arrive on time and that the color will be close enough so I can finish that shawl before the birthday girl arrives home and this present will  be all ready for her (aren’t I lucky she is not going to be here for the actual birthday?)

New Things

I am not used to:

Lovely sunny but oh so cold days.
Lovely colorful birds on our front lawn and loads of squirrels too.
Lovely gray cold days with rain that never stops.
Lovely big fat doe staring at me when I open the office blinds in the morning while she keeps eating our flowers (Saki was not pleased at all!).

Doe in our back yard

Doe in our back yard

Day after day of excellent reasons to use all my hand knits.

I think I like Toronto!