Yes, I am knitting again. It makes me very happy. I even managed to finish a Clockwork and wanted to show it today but it doesn’t want to cooperate. It is weird, the photo looks in focus when I open it in my preview but after sizing it in photoshop it looks all fuzzy and out of focus. I think it is the combination of the colorful stripes, the contrast between the colours and the cloudy weather,,, Who knows?
You can take a look at it on my Ravelry’s project page – I am not sure I chose the right yarn for this, the Shibui Staccato is a lovely yarn but maybe it is too springy for the Clockwork although it contains silk. I think I will hold my judgement until after I wash the shawl and see how it behaves!
A few days ago I realised I am in the midst of yet another obsession. Clockwork was the fourth! Stephen West on my needles and the fifth I chose to knit. Herbivore, Pogona and Blue Whale are all on my needles these days and his Daybreak is my most favorite little shawl.
I think what attracts me to Mr. West’s patterns is the way he plays with unusual shapes and textures. Did you knit any of his patterns?
So, instead of bad Clockwork photos I will share some bad photos of local cuteness:
You see, I took those with my iPad in the middle of a parking lot and I needed to be quick in order to catch them in formation, so I have plenty excuses.