The Softie that Sneaked on Me

Recently I was so good (even if I say so myself). I hardly bought any yarn (what are a few skeins of Koigu here or there?) and I was finishing UFOs, not starting new projects and and,,, I was just good.

For the last 2 weeks I was knitting diligently on this pair of socks:

So Many Colours

They are a present for my nephew’s girlfriend, the birthday is approaching rapidly and she is in Israel, so I was knitting them and them only.
(Hmmm,,, I don’t think I knitted too much during this time, I was busy flying around the world and falling asleep in all sorts of weird hours, jet lag you know).

That is, until yesterday, when from a reason unbeknown to me I suddenly remembered a softie I bought in Romni of Toronto (a knitter ultimate wonderland!) last March. Before I knew any better it was out, a skein was balled with the help of my love and before I went to bed, about 4 hours later, 12″ and some of this beauty were on my needle:

The Softest Scarf Ever

The yarn is Peter Rabbit of Fleece Artist – a very luxurious mix of 70% Angora, 20% Nylon and 10% Wool – I spotted it right when I entered the kingdom of Romni and couldn’t resist it although I tried and even though it is not very useful in Arizona (aren’t I lucky the wicked one decided to go study in Vermont?).

The pattern is: Hypoteneuse Scarf by Anne Hanson – such a delightful pattern,
I am totally in love, it is easy to knit and the result is stunning and from both sides too, a real treat I tell you!

I can’t leave you with only one photo of this beauty so here are some more:

Detail of my Hypoteneuse Scarf

Oh and I must tell you, this pattern is perfect for scarves, both sides are identical, so beautiful:

Squishy Softie

Even Saki likes it, or does he try to help me knit it?

Saki and my Hypoteneuse

I better hide it well, don’t you agree?

But tonight I am going to be good, tonight I will knit the sock! ,,, Maybe,,,,

3 thoughts on “The Softie that Sneaked on Me

  1. Pingback: Preparation for a winter vacation

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