Look Who Came to Visit

Look who came to visit

Do you see the little bugger? Actually it did not come to visit but was brought in very unceremoniously by Saki, Joe decided to save it and the little bugger jumped and went to check Joe’s calf (very handsome calf),,, as you can see Saki was on the watch, trying to get his toy back. Cruel us, do not enjoy his gifts and do not let him play with them either, ackh .

Oh and the other night my stew tried to kill me,,, you can see the result in the photo that Joe had to take (he thought it was funny too, the wicked man)

.The Wicked Stew Attack

Luckily no real damage was done and the stew was very tasty too.

Apparently I put the lid on the pot too soon after I added the white wine and when I noticed that something was going on in there and opened the lid, I saw fire on the stew, I think some burning alcohol was on the lid and this is what caught some of my hair, it is a good thing I still have my chemist instincts, I pulled my head back automatically and moved away from the stove. Having glasses helped to!

And the knitting keeps going on! One Kaleidee is ready and his brother is on the needles as we speak.

My autumn throw gained another one and a half pattern repeats! Oh and the best thing about it? It helped! Last night we slept with open windows for the first time in months and months and it is after one o’clock already and the windows are still open – YAY!!!

2 thoughts on “Look Who Came to Visit

  1. Luly

    And did you smell the burning hair?
    it is a smell I’ll never forget: during my four years in Bezalel, in the Jewellery Department, almost every day a student will burn his (or more correctly “her”) hair while soldering – because they’d put their face so close to the flame and the hair, which in those days was often long, got burnt…

  2. Stephanie

    oh my. on all counts – the little “visitor” is cute indeed, hopefully your Saki did not sulk too much that his toy was taken away….

    Glad to read the stew was tasty and didn’t do much damage to your hair – I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen in a stew before! A shallow pan yes, but that’s all what flambe-ing is all about ;)

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