My Hero

My hero recovered the lost photos from the camera’s memory card, he is so good to me, isn’t he?

Now I can show you our visitors:

A Quail family visiting our front yard

Click to enlarge as I had to keep the photo quite large for you to be able to see the little ones! I love the way Mom and Dad Quail take care of their little ones, one day I will manage to catch them walking in their straight arrangement: a parent in the lead and the other one on guard at the end, they are so cute. By the time we got to the camera this time they moved from the paved part to the gravel and there the line dispersed.

I can also show you photos that show my Argosy better:

Argosy Scarf Isn’t that nice?

Argosy flying mid air Another view of the flying Argosy

4 thoughts on “My Hero

  1. Jocelyn

    Aren’t quail the best? They’re my all-time favorite when they’re lined up like that! And Argosy looks awesome.

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