Tag Archives: Ulmus II

Ulmus II

I wanted to tell you about our surprise sail last Friday:

Surprise Sail at the Mouth of the Niagara River

Surprise Sail at the Mouth of the Niagara River

but it is late and I must share with you my new obsession so I will have to return to the surprise sailing adventure some other time.

I would like to introduce my new Ulmus II:

My new obsession - Ulmus shawls....

My new obsession - Ulmus shawls....

I had to cast on for another Ulmus the minute I finished casting off my Dandelions shawl. I don’t know what possessed me; I have so many things I want to knit and so many projects I want to finish; but nothing could stop me, I just had to knit another Ulmus. I think maybe because I am a bit disappointed with my Dandelions shawl:

My Dandelions are drying much nicer than the flowers!

My Dandelions are drying much nicer than the flowers!

The colors are exquisite but alas where is the nice drape?!? It is completely my fault, I think I knitted it on too small a needle and I actually suspected it for quite a long time. Or maybe it is a combination of the yarn and the needle size. I washed it and added some hair conditioner and hope this will improve its drape but I am still not sure I am not going to rip it off and knit it all over again,,,  ETA: The spa treatment (shampoo, conditioning and quite a lot of stretching) helped a lot and now I believe my Dandelions Shawl is going to stay as is. I still believe it may have been nicer knitted on larger needles but it is good enough to stay as is.

For my new Ulmus (and this one is for me) I am using a hand painted yarn I bought from Kelly from Tucker Woods Farm at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival:

Hand painted sock yarn

Hand painted sock yarn

The colors are a bit off in this photo I think the next one show them better but I am not completely sure now:

Close-up on my new Ulmus II

Close-up on my new Ulmus II

The slip stitch pattern create a combination of these two colors that I love,  very much my color.

I think the drape of this one will be closer to the one in my imagination, the yarn is thiner and the wool content is different too but I will have to wait and see.

Wish me luck because if this one will disappoint me too I may find myself knitting Ulmuses to the end of my life,,,,