Joe and I walk every morning (at least until it will be too hot outside). Just the other day a guy was walking towards us and he said: I see you walking hand in hand every morning, it is so nice, I must talk to my wife about it!
(In my head): Isn’t that lovely? On the other hand, I never saw him before in my life so how come he sees us everyday,,,, hmmmm,,,, (the always suspicious Israeli!)
I have issues with my stash lately! I don’t think I like the idea of it! It makes me feel too guilty!
(In my head): Why do you need to buy more yarn when you have all those boxes and boxes of it waiting to be knitted, didn’t you think you must knit those when you bought them?
The situation of the world economy these days make me look at all this obsessive shopping we do in a different way. I am much better at it, or better say with not doing it, in the last few years as the number of pairs of shoes in my closet will attest, but still!
(In my head): OK woman, good point, but why did you have to choose yarn as your focus with this good intention?
In my previous knitting cycle (years ago when I was young) I was very good
(In my head): So you say!
I used to knit one object at a time AND buy yarn per each project
(In my head): didn’t you buy a few projects worth in that nice shop on the second floor of Dizengoff center? Nu Be’emet WOMAN now you are really exaggerating, it was only once maybe twice and it was for other people birthdays and such,,,,
But seriously, I mainly knitted one object at a time and bought yarn per project and I can see many good points about it: I rarely had UFOs hanging all over my place and making me feel guilty about not finishing them. I always was knitting the nice yarns that just came into the market!
(In my head): Come on woman, you call those nice? you were so good only because of the limited selection you had in Israel and the budget constrains! you were young then, remember?
Will you believe me if I tell you that I have only ONE laceweight yarn in my stash and it is cobweb?
(In my head): Are you sure about that? maybe you should go check again, did you check in all the boxes and other hiding places?
So what should I do when I have an urge to knit lace right now?
(In my head): Go finish that lovely Bee Field Stole you started last year or knit some socks, you got 2 of those to finish too!
Ha yes, I said I will finish my Pi Blob, but it is getting too warm around here to knit such a large object, it may need to wait for cooler weather,,,, Oy Oy Oy!
(In my head): it is all Anne’s fault! it is all because of those yummy looking lace patterns you proof read for her! go knit your baby jackets and shut up already!
OK before I leave, I just want to show you something beautiful we saw on our way back from California a few weekends ago:
I asked Joe to try and catch one flying as they have an exquisite white stripe patten on their wings but it was very windy so this is the best he managed to catch:
Oh yes and we walked to the restaurant last night so I guess that makes me a BAT/KAT participant according to Claudia’s rules, YAY!