We went hiking today, it was lovely (another post). On the way back home I was ripping off a row that I knitted by mistake and bitching about it half to myself:
Me: oooffff,,,, I knitted almost a whole row (576 stitches’ row), I thought it was only a few stitches,,,
Joe: What Honey?
Me: Nothing dear, I am talking to myself, I knitted too much and I am bitching about it while ripping it off….
Joe: So why do you keep knitting.
Me: I am not knitting, I am ripping off.
Joe: Hmmm,,,, are you sure? this looks like knitting to me!
Me: Nope, I am ripping.
Joe: So, how come you don’t do the pppppppppshshshshshshhstttttttttt,,,,,
Me: Oh, you do that when you have to rip off a few rows, when you need to rip off only a row or so you do what I do right now!
Joe: It sure looks like you are knitting to me!
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008:
It is so easy to make my honey happy, aren’t I lucky? but this is yet another subject.
Right after I took this photo; in the car, on the way to Flagstaff:
Joe: So, how was your day?
Me: It was OK, I loved it when it snowed!
Joe: Did you manage to knit a lot?
Me: Not really, just after you took the lunch break I realised I made a mistake and had to rip off almost everything I knitted earlier, but it is OK, I knitted most of it back.
Joe: Why did you have to rip off? was it such a big mistake?
Me: I forgot to add a stitch!
Joe: WHAT? you ripped all this work for just one stitch? are you crazy woman? why couldn’t you just add a stitch where you found out about your mistake and sailed right on?
Me: Oh NO! I can’t do such a thing!
Joe: why NOT?!?
Hmmmm,,,, the logic of a non knitter!
To tell you the truth, I think he had quite a good point there! :)
He did have a good point! It’s hard to understand the process of knitting, the enjoyment of all the process of knitting, to someone who doesn’t knit.
sometimes the voice of reason comes from the most unexpected place!
…whatever about the knitting/ripping/knitting process – your writing is beautiful, it really conveys the sense of absurd in our life— a la Beckett :)
Sometimes I must say that the ad hoc adding of the extra stitch does seem better than ripping! On the other hand, there are times when I know it’ll bug me forever… ;)
It depends on the mistake, how difficult it will be to fix on the next row. Sometimes I just fix it, sometimes I tink back to it like you were doing. Though with 500+ stitches to tink, I’d think twice about it, see if I could fix it without doing all that! LOL