We went hiking today, it was lovely (another post). On the way back home I was ripping off a row that I knitted by mistake and bitching about it half to myself:
Me: oooffff,,,, I knitted almost a whole row (576 stitches’ row), I thought it was only a few stitches,,,
Joe: What Honey?
Me: Nothing dear, I am talking to myself, I knitted too much and I am bitching about it while ripping it off….
Joe: So why do you keep knitting.
Me: I am not knitting, I am ripping off.
Joe: Hmmm,,,, are you sure? this looks like knitting to me!
Me: Nope, I am ripping.
Joe: So, how come you don’t do the pppppppppshshshshshshhstttttttttt,,,,,
Me: Oh, you do that when you have to rip off a few rows, when you need to rip off only a row or so you do what I do right now!
Joe: It sure looks like you are knitting to me!
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008:
It is so easy to make my honey happy, aren’t I lucky? but this is yet another subject.
Right after I took this photo; in the car, on the way to Flagstaff:
Joe: So, how was your day?
Me: It was OK, I loved it when it snowed!
Joe: Did you manage to knit a lot?
Me: Not really, just after you took the lunch break I realised I made a mistake and had to rip off almost everything I knitted earlier, but it is OK, I knitted most of it back.
Joe: Why did you have to rip off? was it such a big mistake?
Me: I forgot to add a stitch!
Joe: WHAT? you ripped all this work for just one stitch? are you crazy woman? why couldn’t you just add a stitch where you found out about your mistake and sailed right on?
Me: Oh NO! I can’t do such a thing!
Joe: why NOT?!?
Hmmmm,,,, the logic of a non knitter!
To tell you the truth, I think he had quite a good point there! :)